Sonodynamics FAQ

Sonodynamics in a nutshell:

      Scanning through structures is the basis for all ultrasound. All examiners use their own more or less structured scanning protocols by which they automatically move the transducer as an extension of their eyes while looking for pathology. Sonodynamics is simply an attempt of agreeing upon a systematic "skeleton" of predefined scans, where the scans themselves are filmed instead of snapshots of findings. After some weeks of adaptation, any ultrasonographer easily scans and takes cine clips in the predefined fashion while examining the patient. Pathology is captured and stored by these filmed cineclips as well as by our eyes. And better, pathology that we oversee bedside because we are inexperienced, focused on a specific question, or simply tired, is also captured by the films. This fact is invaluable in ultrasound training, re-evaluation of exams and for comparison with previous exams in a setting with fast ultrasound workstations. In all other aspects Sonodynamics is the same as any ultrasound, with additional small cineclips of bedside findings. Hence, the goal of Sonodynamics is to make everyday ultrasound open for re-evaluation in the way all other modalities within radiology are. Ultrasound has a lot to win by adding full cine documentation to the written reports.

What is Sonodynamics?

The word “Sonodynamics” is an umbrella term that covers:

1.       Standardized scanning in ultrasound by the use of “Sonoexams”.

2.       Evaluation of such exams at workstations.

3.       Non-destructive storage of the entire Sonoexams.

4.       The ability to retrieve the exams from the archive for later scrutiny.

5.       The ability to compare previous exams with new ones.

Why should I use Sonodynamics?

What are Sonoexams?

What is a Sonoscan?

         Some Sonoscans are special:

What is the basis for the design of “custom made” Sonoexams?

What are the advantages of Sonodynamics?

What are the disadvantages?

How do Sonoexams impact clinical workflow?